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Hello, simple stuff first. Is the carpet rucked up under the clutch pedal? Do you push the pedal all the way to the floor? They do have a very long clutch travel.
Have you downloaded the manuals? Open this up
then open the 814 folder, then open and download the two manuals. Download and save to your computer.
Then you can check the clutch pushrod clearance at the gearbox end.
My DSuper5 box is ponderous, they are out of the ark.
Just make sure you push that pedal all the way down and don’t rush the change.Hello, unless the car holds deep sentimental value to you, I would strip it and then scrap it. This may sound harsh. With labour at between £60 to £80 per hour, I can see at least 150 to 200 hours work, or a bill in the region £12k to £15k.
If the floor has gone, what about the roof rail? And rear of the C pillars?
It makes more sense to buy a better example and then use the original as as a donor car.Unless you want to have a go yourself? The panels are available. Replace one piece at a time. It is straight forward and do-able, providing you take your time, have plenty of space (a car in bits takes up three times as much room) and know which end of hammer to pick up. The mig welding forum will give loads of advice.
Paul Burridge and I have both replaced panels on the DS, neither of us are professional welders.Din’t Jamie work at Citromobile – or ‘DSWorld’ as it became?
Hello, no, he didn’t. Jamie has only ever worked at DSWorkshop.
Still not found it, it will appear one day!And now onto the other side. A mouse nest, full of almond shells and the effect of mouse urine on hydraulic pipes
Always best to phone Jamie on his mobile. It may take several attempts. Try after about 11am
0777 965 1802
I’ll ask him. Picking up some parts next week. I’ll also ask about any suitable cars
Still worth putting the feelers out with Darrin and Jamie
I like the judicious use of a hammer and lever in fitting the tailgates. No need for PPE when lead loading, most likely had a fag when finished.
An earlier video showed 2CV production, the bloke driving the car to another part of the factory had his own steering wheel which he took with him.And the daft thing is I will covering almost all of it in anti-drumming pads, then a heat reflecting layer, then a fuel tank on top of it all. At least I know it is correct, even if invisible.
Well, HDA 791J is still around and taxed until next year if you fancy memory lane.
Although they don’t sell Citroens, Darrin at Citroen Classics and Jamie at DSWorkshop often know of cars that are going to be sold.
If you have a decent budget, Olivier at French Classics in Kent maybe worth a look.
Hello, where are you?
Hello, yes, the front wings need Dinitrol, especially the double skinned section by the indicators (3rd nose).
And schutz. Anything looks better than rust!Hello, often it is a dodgy earth connection.
Have you a test lamp or multimeter? Remove the headlamp plug from the back of the bulb and using a separate earth, poke the probe into the terminals of the plug. Two of the three should be live with the headlights on, main then dipped.
If they don’t light up, try again at the connectors at the bottom of the windscreen.
If there is power at headlamp plug either the bulb is kaput (unlikely) or you have a poor or disconnected earth. -