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A few hours on the lathe and I have two brass M9 studs and two M9 nuts. Good job my hourly is 1p per hour.
The radiator is now in and the radiator fan has been wired up. The fan will either come on automatically from the radiator switch or if I see trouble ahead, from a switch on the dashboard.
I had two sets of silicone hoses made for the DSuper5. I had to get the header tank hose made as well, only needed with the header tank. The silicone hoses need rolled edge Jubilee clips, ebay to the rescue.Next is putting away the engine hoist and then jacking up onto really tall axle stands, ready for the exhaust.
Hello, car electrics aren’t like house electrics in the UK.
The bulb contacts will show 12v.
The problem is the switch. Check it is earthing properly. I think the switch comes apart. Inside you’ll find a couple of crusty brass balls. When the boot opens, they roll to the end and make the earth connection with the contact.
It will all need cleaning.With mine, I bought a new, generic switch from ebay.
Hello, fitting all the other gubbins is a palaver. My home made copy of the handbrake spring compressor worked a treat.
You only discover the gearchange cable has to go over the clutch cable on the third attempt. Otherwise the clutch cable rubs on the steering column (left hand drive BVM).I had some aluminium radiators made, copies of the cross flow injection radiator. They are also much thicker. It does mean it is better to Loctite some mounting studs into the bottom, rather than winding in a bolt until it cracks the core.
Today’s job is machining some M9 studs in brass, if the die turns up.Yesterday I rigged up a battery to check on some wiring. Testing the wing wiring, nothing on any terminal. Scratching my head, checking and checking. Then, DOH!, I’d been checking the multipin plug, not the socket.
Cleaning 50 year old grease off the Triax’s is also on the cards, then I can fit a wheel and set the tappets. I’m sure I set them when I built the engine but my two month stay in hospital has messed with my memory. Best to check again.
Whatever you choose, get someone like Darrin (Citroen Classics) or Jamie (DS Workshop) to look at it.
A few quid upfront may save an absolute fortune later.I’m biased as I have one and am changing my Safari to the same spec. A DSuper5, 2175cc, left hand drive is the one to go for.
A carby, so no one has fiddled or messed with electronic injection. Five speed manual, not as cool as the BVH but less to fiddle with. 2175cc so keeps up with modern traffic easily (I’m usually in lane at indicated 75).Another option is Rain-X anti-fog. I used this when I raced, tricky to wipe the inside of the screen in a six point harness.
It’s the anti-fog product for inside the car.I wouldn’t bother. Even if you can get it to stick, how many of the filaments will be working?
The only sure way is to replace the screen.
Mine does work (new screen). How many times have I used it? Twice in over ten years.Exhausts and windscreens are a mystery to me. In the factory, fitting the screen is a five minute job, me, four hours.
Exhausts: with me they never line up, always leak and my jeans are covered in exhaust paste.Much better, and the battery is back in its usual place.
Hello, my under bonnet is a sticker free zone. Stickers always get oil on them, lift at the edges and partially peel off. When they finally fall or peel off the paint underneath will be discoloured.
I leave my bonnet shut…
Hello, if you want to it amongst yourselves, there is WhatsApp groups.
Hello, unfortunately there are very few forums left for any kind of activity or pastime. Facebook has possibly killed them all.
I used to visit the Citroen Car Club on Facebook until an officious person closed my contribution to a thread and then removed my next post.
I deleted Facebook, never been there again. Their loss, not mine.I’ve suggested allowing anyone to view the forum, only members can post (stops the scammers and bots).
I’ve suggested allowing pm’s, no luck so far.
I think the cost of direct file uploads (photos etc) is prohibitive.
I’ve suggested having just a couple of threads, one automotive, one for chit chat and jokes. No luck.The forum is not advertised in the magazine.
I think if the forum died a quiet death the club wouldn’t shed a tear.
If you want a properly run forum, try the Mig Welding Forum. Don’t worry, less than 5% is about welding.
Yes, I do like a relay.
I put a 40 amp relay between the ignition switch and the starter solenoid. The relay protects the delicate and expensive ignition switch.
I use ice cube relays with a relay socket. These fit quite well on the battery frame on the side away from the engine.The trouble with the extra reflector is that you go from three glowworms to one glowworm. A lot of the light spills out the back. You need all the light you can get.
I’d spend time fitting relays and heavier duty cables to main and dipped.
I fitted modern Hella headlamps to mine. A palaver, involving the kitchen oven while the wife was out. And no, I wasn’t cooking a roast. -