Quick Renew

Here you can renew a membership with a credit or debit card or by Paypal. You don’t need to login; you will be asked your membership number, surname and post code.

You may also pay by cheque in which case your new renewal date will be activated upon receipt of your cheque or postal order to:

PO Box 428, Hereford, HR1 9UF

Please make your cheque payable to Citroën Car Club and write your name and membership number (or postcode) clearly on the back.

For full club membership, including twelve monthly Citroenians posted to your door, the current renewal fee is £56 for UK addresses, £82 for EU addresses, or £112 elsewhere in the world.

All members now have access to a digital version of the Citroenian, and we now offer a digital-only subscription, £56 regardless of where in the world you are. Simply select “Digital” as the membership type.

We also offer monthly membership for UK addresses, paid by Direct Debit only, for £5/month.

Prices are correct to the end of 2025.

If you have any problems, please contact us at members@CitroenCarClub.org.uk

Please note – if it’s been a few years since your membership lapsed, this may not work and it will be necessary to rejoin.

Renew now

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