Ian Anderson

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  • in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8503

    Lovely car Ian, as Peter says flat out is the only way to drive these cars, I poodled around with mine when T first got it but she now gets a bit of a thrashing and it loves every bit if it. Happy motoring

    Thanks Sean, once I sort the fuel filter out a good ‘Italian Tune-up’ is the first order of the day!

    in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8500

    Thanks Paul and Peter, driving it is the objective. Preservation and maintenance, not restoration (unless I win the lottery and get someone else to do it). I live in a flat in Glasgow with no garage, drive, or off street parking so stripping it back to it’s component parts isn’t an option. Whatever I do to it is done in the street, but it’s probably done more to strike up conversations in the two weeks I’ve had it than living here for four years!

    I think the late Graham Harper’s garage has now closed (I once went there with my 2CV as a student) but there’s a place called Tuga Garage that has opened in the last few years as an independent Citroen and Peugeot specialist. Mainly focused on more modern cars but seem to have good feedback, spookily they have a Graeme Harper as a mechanic, wonder if it’s any relation. Other than that I think the nearest specialist I know of is Savoy Garage in Burnley. Having said that, my brother lives in Staines so maybe a roadtrip to Citroen Classics under the pre-text of visiting him is in order!

    in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8497

    Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on with the hessian Paul. It’s been glued on, I presume to stop deteriotating insualtion falling off. I’ve already given it a haircut and the rest will come off when I get new bonnet pads. I’m thinking of installing the filter immediately before the pump, no messing with existing lines and don’t think the extra length of the filter will make fuel line interfere with anything.

    The colour is one of my favourites, and I have to confess one of the main reasons I bought it. It’s a bit of a patchwork and will need a repsray at some point. The bootom of each door is poor, but I’m just going to bodge those before the winter sets in to stop them getting worse. It’ll also give me a chance to see if I need lower door repair sections for all of them if I can get away with more localised repairs.

    in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8494

    Thanks Peter, agree about the location of the filter, but I didn’t have any spare fuel hose to relocate it (I thought I did, but it’s heater hose!). The heater valve does look vulnerable, mine’s a new one and I don’t fancy replacing it at £200 a pop, although the seal to the heater core had been pinched and was leaking so I’ve a new one on order. Appreciate the warning about getting underneath, I’m wary of that on any car.

    in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8491

    Now with added pictures

    in reply to: New (to me) 1970 D Super #8490

    Thanks Peter, I have my photos in a publicly available google photos folder, but it doesn’t generate BB code, which I think is what I need. Off to imgbb I guess!

    Thanks for the tank tips as well. My first DS but I’ve done a lot of reading! The in carb filter was missing, which I’ve now replaced as well as the inline filter between pump and carb. The car was running on a little fuel but had been in storage for five years, I think me putting half and tank in has disturbed crud which settled when I was then away for a week. I’d hoped to avoid draining the tank so blew through the lines from the pump end with a can of compressed air but no joy, just a meagre dribbel of fuel. I’m waiting for a fuel transfer pump to arrive so I’ll try and get as much out using that as I’m working in the street an don’t fancy juggling jerry cans under a recumbant DS. Never thought of cleaning it in coke, I’ll give that a go.

    I’d heard about the fuel spiggot dropping out and it scared the bejesus out of me. Fortunately mine seems solid but I’ve got lock wire to go on once I’ve got it running (also my tap and die set has everything but an M9 tap!).


    in reply to: Custom seatbelts #8485

    Those look great Andrew. I’ve got a pair of three point static belts in the back of mine. I really need to add a centre lap belt but I don’t think there’s dedicated mounts. Anyone added a centre lap belt? I’m nervous about doubling up the existing floor mounts.

    in reply to: The forum, a slow lingering death #8358

    Hi all,
    New club member here. I have to say I’m a bit disappointed, but not surprised, at the lack of activity. It seems a trend on forums across the internet. I’m a member of several cycling forums and they are suffering a similar fate whether its single make (Moulton) type of cycling (Audax) or even the large general cycling forums (Cycling UK / CTC as was).
    I work in information science and on professional and personal principle could never join Facebook. Most social media companies are guilty of the same failings as Facebook, but they are by far the most egregious.
    Then again, nobody thought GeoCities or Myspace would be abandoned so there’s hope people will come to their senses in sufficient numbers to revive forums. There are still signs of life across at AussieFrogs, although that had its own near-death experience!

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