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Well jeremy should be able to reach you here now of course. he will tell you if he’s on facebook and, if so, he can explain private messages (PMs) to you. If he’s not on facebook, one of you will need to put an email or phone number up here so that you can reach each other. be warned that, once posted here, there is a very limited time to edit a message (i.e. delete contact details) but after that, messages cannot be deleted.
Nope. no PM facility here….. assuming it’s the same person, I’ve just PM’d ‘Bob’ chamberlain on facebook to point him back here and jeremy’s offer of a tow bar.
So you mean there are a pair of cables connected at the switch end – but the other ends are not connected and you can’t see where they would go back and join to the main loom?
If your car came wired for a reversing switch then – yes – the wires are in the bulkhead. There are two short wires with purple and yellow tags leaving the same branch of the loom that has the alternator wires. Follow your wires back fro the alternator to the loom and see what other wires there are at that point.
A typical ‘proper’ tower looks like the one here (unfortunately sold out). Note the big cross beam. If you buy one, you need that. Goes inside the boot just under the catch and joins the twofer to the more supportive chassis – not just the thin boot metal.
This is on Ebay at the moment.
Unusual as it has a hydraulic connection that seems to power a cylinder that could operate a conventional brake on something being towed???? That could be removed if not wanted.
I should have added: if you do fit a towbar, i assume you will need electrical hook up to go with that. I’m pretty sure Citroen printed circuit diagrams for adding trailer wiring and those can be dug out for you.
A bit obvious, but someone like Darrin at Citroen Classics or Jamie at DS Workshop are a good bet. In Europe, mark rueneuf (contactable through facebook) could probably offer you a dozen – but then you have the cost of transport and import to worry about.
Hi Mark
I’ve not been to Classica – only it’s predecessor ‘Citromobile’ much nearer to Amsterdam. People who have been to both have told me that Classica is spread out over a bigger site (an old airfield perhaps) and some of it is outdoors – so weather dependent. As it is spread out, it may not have the same vibe as citromobile (which was indoors, contained and busy), but I’ve got no reason to think it would not be worth visiting.Julian marsh used to take many photos at citro mobile and I’m sure there will similarly be albums of Classics photos online.
CCC related events. April/ may weather is just improving after winter. spring and there are not really any bigger Club events taking place at that time. If you are posting here, i assume you are interested in Ds. The CCCs DS rally takes place in early June (sorry!). As of two weeks ago, the 2025 dates had not been set but as I say – usually first half of June.
The Regional groups/ sections of the CCC in the UK usually have monthly meets/ outings and there is a good chance that (nearer the time) one of the bigger Sections will be doing something in April/ may – maybe visiting a local car show or all getting together one weekend to show off their cars. I think Darrin Brownhill who runs the Citroen Classics parts and repair business is involved with the ‘West London and Surrey’ group. Chances are they will be up to something. His contact details are in the Club magazine (or i can provide them). Also, why not als a letter (email) to the Citroenian asking if anything is being planned?
There is a plastic knurled knob on back of the top of the headlamp housing – immediately above the swivelling light. That provides the up/ down adjustment of the beam.
In my photo above, it’s hard to tell what is moulded into the foam and what is simply a compression mark. i’ve still got all those bits in a box somewhere so can look and see how they must have been fitted.
Hi the wing/ bonnet seal is the one at your finger tips. Not only do the long bits stop at the bonnet catches, but the little extra bit in front of the bonnet catch is put on the other way round – so that it arcs into the engine bay.
I don’t recognise the other two seals. they are similar to each other but a bit different. Are they long lengths? i wonder if a previous owner of your car bought some random generic non-Citroen seal to use for the bonnet and realised it was no good?
Alan’s mobile number is in the back of the magazine. call or text him.
It looks as though – without the cup – the spring would simply contact the other end of the chamber it is in, meaning it would serve no purpose and the unit would not function.
I think the best advice you’ve had is to find and fit the slightly later system that replaced this one. I’d do that for safety reasons if nothing else.
And you say your first ‘specialist’ threw away or lost one of the parts??
Looking on Aussiefrogs i can see you’d started an ‘LHS to LHM’ thread on Aussiefrogs back in September – and that I’d joined in!.
Your latest question about the ‘cup’/’washer’ part. From the cutaway diagram that i found, it looks as though the slide valve is a hollow tube. It also doesn’t look as though the cup is a cap – doesn’t sit on the end of the slide valve. However your parts diagram does show a dished/ cup shaped part…..The ‘cup’ either DOES sit on the end and has a hole in the top/ middle, or (more likely?) simply sits around the slide valve – lending itself to the description as ‘washer’?? It may be described as a ‘cup’ because it cradles the end of the spring?? Perhaps it is stepped to provide a base for the spring – which is why it looks cupped in your diagram??
I think the small circlip is fitted into a groove around the end of the the slide valve just to stop the slide valve being pushed fully into the bore by the spring. To me, the ‘cup’ looks to be something that sits around the valve/ on the circlip to provide a flat surface for the spring to sit on. it looks as though the spring would have contacted the cup and so pressed against it – and so pressed against the slide valve.
The dimensions you gave on Aussiefrogs (8.65 x 9.75 x 13 x 2.2). Try measuring the diameter of the spring, the diameter of the chamber that the spring lives in, the diameter of the slide valve and see if any of those numbers are close.
Did you also put this on facebook as I’m sure I saw this elsewhere?
If you look in the Citroenian mag, there are regional groups covering the Midlands: groups for ‘Midlands’, ‘East Midlands’ and ‘West Midlands’. I’m not sure which covers leicester. Anyway, those groups will have ‘active’ members (as opposed to ‘passive’ CCC members). Contact the group email addresses and see if they can find local people willing to help you. The emails 9and phone numbers) are in the back of the club magazine.